Looking for volunteers to serve the neighborhood association!

February 2, 2015 Comments Off on Looking for volunteers to serve the neighborhood association!


The position of treasurer is open on the South Tabor Neighborhood Association. We’re looking for a volunteer to fill it.

Duties, in general, are: be responsible for all money and give an accounting at each general meeting; receive, safekeep, and disburse STNA funds for authorized purposes.

We realize this is a volunteer position, and that life comes first. However, we would like you to be able to come to the majority of the monthly meetings, which are the 3rd Thursday of the month (except December) at 7PM.


The South Tabor Neighborhood Association is looking for a volunteer to be our delegate to Southeast UpLift (SEUL). SEUL’s mission statement is “to assist the citizens and neighborhood associations of Southeast Portland to create communities that are livable, socially diverse, safe and vital. Southeast Uplift provides an organizational structure and forum to empower citizens to effectively resolve issues of livability and community development.”

Duties, in general, are: attend SEUL Board meetings and report back to the STNA Board and general membership on issues relevant to STNA. On those issues on which STNA members or Board have votes, the Delegate will vote accordingly; in all other cases, the delegate will exercise discretion by voting in accordance with the general objectives of STNA.

If you are interested, you will be responsible for attending the general board meetings on the first Monday of the month at 7pm at SE Uplift in the Fireside Room and the executive committee meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 5pm SE Uplift on the 2nd Floor. Also, to attend the STNA meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month (except December) at 7PM. We realize that this is a volunteer position, and it may not be possible to attend all meetings, but attending a majority of them will be needed.


STNA is looking for someone to volunteer to be our representative on SEUL’s land use and transportation committee. The SE Uplift Land Use and Transportation Committee meets the third Monday of each month (except August and December) from 7 to 9 PM at the SE Uplift offices, 3534 SE Main St. Portland, OR 97217.

Duties, in general, include: attend SEUL Board meetings and report back to the STNA Board and general membership on issues relevant to STNA. On those issues on which STNA members or Board have votes, the Delegate will vote accordingly; in all other cases, the delegate
will exercise discretion by voting in accordance with the general objectives of STNA. Also, to attend STNA’s meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month (except December) at 7PM.

We realize this is a volunteer position, and you may not be to make all of the meetings, but an ability to make the majority of the meetings is necessary.


Are you interested?  Please send an email to board@southtabor.org


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