Agenda for August 15, 2019

August 11, 2019 Comments Off on Agenda for August 15, 2019

South Tabor Neighborhood Association

General meeting (open to all)
Thursday August 15, 2019, 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Trinity Fellowship Church, 2700 S.E. 67th Ave. (park & enter in rear)

Please note, we have a lot to cover this month. All of us who present to the group need to be concise and efficient. Let’s work together to wrap up our meeting by 8:30. Committee and officer reports should be concise, and any related discussion deferred to “New Business.” We can always adjourn for a drink after if people want to continue discussions further!

1. Welcome & introductions | 7:00 | 5 mins

2. Review & approve last month’s minutes | 7:05 | 5 mins

3. Committee reports | 7:10 | 10 mins

Land Use, Treasurer, Events, President, Communications, SE Uplift, Bylaws

4. Police update from Commander Tashia Hager | 7:20 | 10 mins

5. Old Business | 7:30 | 20 mins

Concerning the Code Change 3.96 proposal to City Council:

  • Sabrina Wilson, Office of Community & Civic Life, City of Portland (5 mins)
  • Allen Fields, Richmond NA Board & Sabina Urdes, Lents NA Board (5 mins)
  • Review & vote: Draft letter to City Council by Pete Forsyth (per July 2019)

6. New Business | 7:50 | 30+ mins

  • Review & vote: Draft letter to Southeast Uplift Executive Committee
  • Upcoming events: Harvest Festival, Pancake Breakfast.
    Most of the work preparing for these happens in separate Committee sessions; but with these two coming up soon, all of us have a stake in learning about progress and what we can do to make them a success.
  • Additional items as needed

7. Adjourn by 8:30. Next General Meeting: Thu. Sept. 19, 7pm at Trinity Fellowship Church.
Our Land Use & Transportation Committee meets Tuesday Sept. 17, same place and time.
Also, don’t forget our 10th Annual Harvest Festival Sunday Sept. 8, noon to 4, same location!

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